Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Matthew! =)

1. Matthew begins with giving the genealogy of Jesus--Son of David, Son of Abraham, etc. After multiple generations, Jacob begot Joseph, the husband of Jesus' mother, Mary. Mary got pregnant, and Joseph was thinkin about taking a hike--til an angel showed up to him and told him what was going on.

2. Matthew says that Jesus came to John the Baptist and asked him if he would baptize Him. And when John the Baptist had baptized Jesus the Bible says that the heavens opened and a dove came out and God said, “This is my Son in whom I am well pleased.”

3. The Devil tempted Jesus three times and all three times Jesus quoted scripture to him and told him to depart from Him. Jesus finds 2 disciples.

4. Accounts of the ministry of Jesus while in Galilee. During this time, He commissions the 12 Apostles, preaches The Beatitudes, performs miracles and teaches many lessons on very important subjects including; adultery, divorce, giving, prayer, judging, worry, treasures in Heaven and warnings to people. Jesus begins teaching in parables to provide examples to His lessons.

5. Return of Jesus to Galilee and the prediction of His death

6. Trial and crucifixion of Jesus on the cross as a sacrifice for all the sin in the world.

7. The events of the resurrection and Jesus defeating death

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